Quarterly Newsletter
A look back on 2022 - plus a glimpse of the future
NIC Insurance Filings to kick off the new year with a rebranding effort
Updated: April 10, 2023
Happy New Year! As we enter 2023, NIC Insurance Filings has some important news to share. But first, let's look at 2022 highlights.
At NIC Insurance Filings, we strive to improve our users' interactions with the government and offer a secure and efficient process to exchange insurance policy data with participating agencies. Last year, NIC Insurance Filings released five major feature enhancements that added process efficiencies and more security for insurance filing users.
File your MCP 65 and 66 online for results in 1 business day
NIC Insurance Filings partnered with the California DMV in 2021 to automate the review of MCP 65 and 66 filings. In 2022, the system was enhanced even further, and now online filings are processed in a single business day. California insurers, including non-admitted companies, will save time and receive instant updates when filing online.

Save keystrokes and autofill reinstatements and cancellations
Insurance company users can now create a cancellation or reinstatement filing from a corresponding form that was previously submitted and accepted in NIC Insurance Filings. Using the Search Filings feature, insurance filing users can generate an already populated MCP 65, MCP 66, or Form K with the click of a button from a previous, agency approved filing. This month, we expanded this feature to Form E and Form H reinstatements.

Streamline SR22 and SR26 filings to the Maine BMV
Insurance company users can now file SR22 and SR26 forms through NIC Insurance Filings to the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Online filings are prioritized and offer a quicker and more secure way to file proof of insurance for Maine drivers. Maine is the latest state agency to accept personal lines insurance reporting through NIC Insurance Filings.

Automate filings through web service integration with your policy management system
NIC enhanced web service offerings with new forms, fields, and validations in 2022. With web services, insurance companies can automate the exchange of filing data by integrating their policy management system with NIC Insurance Filings. Automated filing is now available for forms E, H, K, MCP 65, MCP 66, SR22, and SR26. To start off 2023, NIC went live with more web service enhancements to include new state-specific fields and business rules.
Share the web service specification guide with your IT team if you are interested in getting started.
File with peace of mind knowing your policy data is secure
In 2022, NIC Insurance Filings began migration to the AWS cloud. Security and data privacy is our top priority, so that you can feel confident your company's policy data is protected when filing with NIC Insurance Filings. Each year our security posture is validated by an independent third-party audit.
Read more about these features and more in our past newsletter articles.
What's next? NIC Insurance Filings will become Tyler Insurance Filings
You may recall we announced the completion of our acquisition and NIC became a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyler Technologies in April 2021. Read a copy of the joint press release for more information.
As NIC embarked on this new chapter, it became clear that Tyler Technologies shares NIC's passion for making government better, safer, and more accessible to citizens and businesses.
Now, let's take a look at what's happening in 2023. In the coming months, NIC Insurance Filings will become Tyler Insurance Filings. This change follows a national initiative led by our parent company, Tyler Technologies, to align our two brands and capture the strength we bring as one unified company.

Our new website URL will be www.tylerinsurancefilings.com and you will still be able to login using your existing credentials. You'll find the system works the same way as before the name change, but with a new name, logo and customer support email.
More information on the upcoming name change will be shared soon. Learn more about Tyler Technologies at https://www.tylertech.com/.
We hope to bring you many enhancements and new product offerings in 2023 and beyond. Reach out to us at support@tylerinsurancefilings.com and let us know what features would streamline your filing process!