Quarterly Newsletter
New Communications and Enhancements Guide Successful Filings to Illinois
Published: April 26, 2021
Did you know...
Illinois requires a motor carrier's state ILCC number for each filing?
Last quarter, the NIC Insurance Filings team worked with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to share information with users to help them file successfully the first time.
First, NIC Insurance Filings emailed users with a list of filing tips from the ICC. To recap, the agency provided the following recommendations:
- Make sure your company is authorized to write insurance in the state of Illinois.
- Enter the insured's ILCC number in the state MC ID field, NOT the federal MC number. Use the ICC website to find the ILCC number: https://www.icc.illinois.gov/utility/defaultmc.aspx.
- Enter the insured's company name exactly as registered with the ICC. You can find the registered name on the ICC website linked above.
We also added a link to the filing forms for Illinois to help users easily access the ILCC number lookup page:
Filers can click this link to look up the right ILCC number for the insured motor carrier. An incorrect ILCC number is the most common reason for Illinois filing rejections, and this link helps users easily find the information required to file successfully.
State agencies - do you have tips to share with filers? Reach out to NIC Insurance Filings at support@tylerinsurancefilings.com today to discuss communicating this information to users!